
Praying for widows and orphans
Praying for widows and orphans

praying for widows and orphans

Non- believers need of knowing about the truth and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ especially the poor people are deprived one.Īlpha Omega is a Humanity base organization and working for the development of the human beings its main object is to

praying for widows and orphans

With Christian based Humanity Organization, to glorify His name and there is good team of people working with us in theįield of Gulf states and Pakistan.Our main focus is to reach to unreached with Love of Christ. I am Edward Qaser from Lahore, Pakistan. It is my privilege to have an email with you. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , What suggestions can you offer me? God bless. It is so much easier to watch sermons online rather than sit alone, ignored in church. I understand exactly why she won’t come alone, because it is a very uncomfortable feeling. I want to adopt a widow in my church for 6 months but she doesn’t seem to come alone. I learned that I needed to go to bible study classes without married couples to maybe feel some fellowship with others. I had read about how churches need to care for orphans and widows but I did not see this happening. I knew that I would sit alone again, watching married couples and families sit together and talk together. I kept going to a new church hoping that people would welcome me and for the most part it never happened.

praying for widows and orphans

In 98% of the churches I sat alone and no one bothered to sit next to me or make any effort to welcome me. My mother died 18 years ago and I started going to different churches. I do not know if you will respond to my message due to the date of your information about widows., I have been a widow for 8 years. With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Thom Rainer has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of local churches across North America. It is also one of the most neglected mandates of Scripture. It is one of the clearest mandates of Scripture. Please don’t walk away from reading this short post without considering some type of action in your church to care for widows. Financial needs among widows are often great (Social Security Administration). The poverty rate among widows is three to four times higher than elderly married women.They truly die of a broken heart (University of Glasgow). Widows have a 30% higher risk of death in the first six months after the death of their husbands.It is imperative for churches to stand in the gap (Widow’s Hope). Upon the death of a spouse, a widow loses 75% of her support base.That is an average of 40 widows for every church in the United States (AARP). There are over 14 million widows in the United States today.That is a significant portion of any person’s life (U. Widowhood lasts on the average 14 years.Over 800,000 persons are widowed each year.Too many survivors are not ready to deal with the issues of widowhood (Holmes and Rohe stress scale). The death of a spouse is the number one stressor in a person’s life.These seven factoids should give you at least a glimpse of the need for ministries to widows in your church. Though the biblical mandate to care for widows should be sufficient motive for our churches, consider some of the struggles widows experience. Millions are left to suffer and struggle in silence. I am grateful churches around the world have taken some steps to care for the orphans, though much more remains to be done.īut, in North American churches, I see hardly any intentional church wide ministries to widows. The Bible is not ambiguous on this topic. Scholars have produced massive volumes on the biblical mandate to care for orphans and widows. “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) This verse in Scripture cannot be more compelling or clearer:

Praying for widows and orphans